Subtitle Syncer

Subtitle Syncer helps you add subtitles to any video. Start the program, and either paste or load a file containing the lyrics or dialog into the large area in the bottom of the window. Start the video in a music player (I use VLC for this) and immediately press STOP. Switch back to Subtitle Syncer, and press the "Start" button. The countdown starts from -5 seconds. When you think the counter will hit +0.00s, hit Play on your video. (You should try to hit a little before the timer expires, for best results).

From that point on, its just a matter of pressing "Next" at the right moment, and the lines will be lifted one by one from the area at the bottom. When all the lines have been used up, the timer is stopped and the subtitle is written out to a file called in the current directory of the program.

Download the source code.
Download the binary.

This program and its source code is licensed under the BSD 2-Clause license.

Last updated sometime in 2006.