Sushovan De :: Websites
This section houses screenshots of different websites I have built. Many of these have a technical backend that is more interesting than the front-end I have showcased here.
These are in roughly reverse chronological order.
This website: Finally moving away from my subdomain to my own domain, with hosting by Amazon S3, this is the latest, flat-looking redesign for my site

Personal website, redesign 4: A clean look for my personal website, the fourth redesign.

Personal Website, redesign 3: Made in about 6-7 hours. I tried to keep it clean and formal this time.

Personal Website, redesign 2: Inspired by the 'inside-office' newsletter theme.

Personal Website: Initially made for my geocities site, it was the first time I used 'clipping masks' in Photoshop.

BTDS Website: Made for the Bengali Technology Dramatics Society, this website was made to keep track of the members and give them a forum to comment on their latest productions.

Java API Search: This site was made to help me search for classes and functions in the vast Java API. I indexed the entire Java documentation by parsing the html of the doc files and entered relevant information into a mysql database.

Classnotes Download Center: This was a simple design, strongly influenced by the Microsoft Downloads page. The only reason I am mentioning this page here was because this was a 'high-traffic' site (relatively) and I recieved a few compliments for putting up the study materials.

Hall Library Site: Made for my hall of residence, this site was the first official website that I made. The same backend technology that I made for this site was later modified and rewritten to build the VGSOM library software 'Conoscenza'