Sushovan De :: Icons

These are some of the icons I have made for my own software. I made these using Photoshop and my IconMaker program. Some of these (marked HD) support the 256x256 icon size introduced in Windows Vista.

Right click on any of these and click "Save target as" to download them.

go icon
go (HD)
Icon for the go file type (golang).
tex icon
tex (HD)
Icon for the tex file type (LaTeX).
cy icon
cy (HD)
Icon for C file type.
cpp icon
cpp (HD)
Icon for C++ file type.
h icon
h (HD)
Icon for H file type.
csharp icon
csharp (HD)
Icon for C# file type.
cla icon
Icon for CLA file type.
assisty icon
Icon for personal assistant application.
digidesign icon
Icon for my electronic design automation app.
simpleplay icon
simpleplay (HD)
Icon for simple media player.
snake icon
Icon for my snake game.
wallchange icon
Icon for my wallpaper changer application.